Monday, July 1, 2013

Another Year, Another Grade

As I move into my 10th year of teaching I will be teaching yet another grade level.  I have now taught pre-k, k, 3,4,5  and will be teaching 2nd next year and I student taught 6th.  I am excited about the move.  I look forward to it actually.  Although I wonder sometimes what it might be like to teach a grade for more than 3 years, maybe this time.  With certifications in early childhood, elementary, and middle school math I seem to be the go to person for filling holes in grade levels.

I am currently researching the second grade common core and reading blogs of other second grade teachers.  My favorite thus far is Step into Second Grade.  If you have not checked it out I highly recommend it.  I am also filling my spare time making and collecting things for my classroom next year, which my husband seems to think is crazy.  Why, he asks, would I spend any of my free time prepping for next year?  Because I love my job and I love my students and as crazy as it sounds I sleep better at night knowing I have done something to get ready for the next school year.  My hope is to use this blog to share things I have done with others because I find so much inspiration out there in the form of teacher blogs.  Hope everyone is enjoying there summer.