Sunday, August 25, 2013

First Day

I am not sure about anyone else out there, but I normally worry like crazy about the first day of school.  Will the students be a good mix, was my random seating okay, how many students will I need to move.  As much as I worry, it always seems to go well.  As a reminder of that, today I bumped into multiple students from the past few years as I was grocery shopping.  They all had lovely things to say and not a single one of them didn't squeal my name and come running across the store to hug me so I must be doing something right.  Well, come to think, of it the boys just got a big smile and said hello and asked how I was.  Tomorrow will be just fine, especially if I can get some sleep. 

My plan book is filled for the first week and my more detailed, typed plans are all ready to go.  The students have specials first thing in the morning so I can take a breather and move seats if I need to.  I met about half of my class at open house the other day and they all seemed lovely. 

One of the activities I am doing that I am particularly excited about is reading them one of my favorite books, Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes.  Poor Wemberly is so worried about his first day of school, but it all turns out alright in the end.  I am going to use it to discuss what they worry about in second grade, then we will place our worries in a box and put them away.  We will talk about the fact that this is a safe place, both physically and emotionally, that we will treat one another with respect and because of that they have no need to worry.  Part of my job as a teacher is to make sure they are safe and I will do everything I can to make that happen.

I hope everyone is ready for school!