Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Insects and Bugs

Today we read Bugs, Bugs, Bugs.  We talked about all the bugs, the colors they are, shapes we saw.  At the end of the book is a chart that goes over if each bug flies or not, how many legs it has, where it lives, and if it stings.  The students made predictions and we made comparisons.  Finally I explained that insects have 3 body parts and 6 legs.  Next in small groups students made insects with 3 body parts and 6 legs.  Meanwhile the other group worked together to make a graph about how we felt about insects.  They wrote their name (or first letter of their name) on the post-it note and then put it under the emotion they felt about bugs.  We talked about why they had those feelings, counted how many people felt each way, and then compared each category to one another and decided which had more, and which had less.  Attached is a photo of a display of the students' work.

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