Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Parts of a Flower

We are learning about flowers in pre-k this week.  We have read books about flowers, we are planting and caring for flowers, and we are learning about the parts of a flower.  I taught the children the parts of the flower through a poster and a song.  Then the students used some stamps with the flower parts (root, stem, leaf, flower) to create a plant.  At another table the made flowers on a board and talked about each part of the flower and what it did.  Below is a picture of the flower part boards...

The song is sung to Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Roots, Stem, Leaves and Flower, Leaves and Flower
Roots, Stem, Leaves and Flower, Leaves and Flower
Roots, and Stem, and Leaves, and Flower
Roots, Stem, Leaves and Flower, Leaves and Flower

I used the song to review the parts while we were working with the flower parts board.  We also sang it and pretended we were a flower and our feet were the roots, our upper leg and torso were the stem, we stuck our hands out to the side for leaves, and then we put our hands next to our face for the flower.  The kids really took to the song and it helped them remember root and stem, which for most of them were new vocabulary words. 

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