Friday, August 15, 2014

Getting Ready to Go Back to School

Even though we are not officially back to school I have been in to get my room together a bit.  While it is certainly not finished here are some pictures of the progress.

This is a picture as you walk into the door, the desk in the back is my instructional assistant's desk.  It use to face out the window, but I turned it around this year because we are switching to all day Pre-K and the kids have to take a nap so she will need to be facing out so she can see them while they nap.

This is a little further to the right, the 3 tables in the middle will be used during our small group time and the centers will be wrapped around the room.

This is the morning meeting, reading carpet, whole group area.  My desk is in the back corner.  The whiteboard on the right has a projector that makes it like a smart board, the rolling white board is where I write the morning message.

I will post more pictures when I am done.  I still have a long way to go, but at least all of my bulletin boards are covered and have boarders and my furniture is close to where I want.  I just need to go through all the boxes, finish setting up my computers and put up some decorative stuff.  

There is a small part of me that is having a panic attach though because I may not be able to pull my late nights at school during the first work week for teachers because we are moving.  The timing stinks.  We were suppose to move back in July, but delay after delay has put us into the end of August.  But I set my entire Pre-K classroom up in one day last year after spending 2 weeks getting my second grade classroom up and running (last minute transfer).  I will be looking forward to the day that I am moved in and the classroom is done and I am a week into this full day pre-k thing.  Wish me luck.

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