Saturday, August 22, 2015

Big Changes! School Starts Monday, New Students in a Week!

Last year my family moved.  It wasn't too terribly far, but far enough that my ten minute commute became a 45 or more minute commute.  Not the end of the world, but also not something I was enjoying.  Changes needed to be made.  I started looking in and around my new area and got a job offer for a job 20 minutes away.  Saving me 50-60 minutes a day (often times more because coming home always took longer).  Getting back about 5 hours with my family each week is huge to us.  This year I will be in a new school, in a new district, and a new grade.  I am going from pre-k to 5th grade math and science!  That exclamation point is excitement.

I will miss my little pre-k students, my hard working assistant, and the staff I loved.   But I am so excited to begin this new chapter in my life as a 5th grade intermediate school teacher.

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