Thursday, February 27, 2014

QR codes in action

This is another set of QR codes I made which link to pictures of sets of objects.  Students scanned each one, then they counted the set, build a set of that many and placed the QR code card next to that number.  It helped them to practice counting sets, building sets, identifying numbers, and using technology.  It was a powerful lesson, they loved watching the picture magically appear on the screen.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Snow and Sickness

Sorry there has not been anything posted lately, between snow days and sickness I just haven't gotten around to posting much.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Counting Sets 1-10 with QR codes

If you have tablets in your school a great way to use them is QR codes.  You can set the QR code to send students to a website, text, etc.  I wanted to create sets 1-10 for my students to count.  I first created a power point that had slides with a different number of animals on each slide.  Next I uploaded those pictures onto my google account.  After that I copied the image location of each picture and put the URL in  Then I copied each of the QR codes created and pasted them in a word document.  Next I printed the QR codes and cut them out and placed each one on a different color paper and laminated them.  Now they are ready to go.  Students used i-pads with a QR scan app on them and scanned each QR code, an image appeared on the screen and they counted the set of animals and let me know how many animal were on their screen.  They loved the magic of watching an image appear and they got experience with both counting and using technology.  Here is the link to my QR codes.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Dear Zoo

I have not posted in a while because first we had Christmas break and then we had snow after snow after snow.  But I made an effort to get a picture of something we did this week that I loved.  We have been learning about animals of all types and one of my favorite books about animals is Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell. Before reading the book I gave students the instruction to pay attention to the order that the animals came.  While reading I let the students announce what animal was in each container.  They loved joining in with me and feeling like a part of the story.  Then we sequenced the story using the following story props.  Next we matched the vocabulary from the story to each animal and talked about what each word meant.  There were some great vocabulary words for pre-k students like fierce, scary, and grumpy.  During centers students responded to a writing prompt that said "I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet.  They sent me a ______."   Students were told they could use an animal from the story or one they were familiar with.  I will include some pictures of students work.