Thursday, February 5, 2015

How is it February Already?

This year is flying by and I have done so many fun new things this year.  It has been a very hectic but rewarding year.  This year we went form half day pre-k with a morning and afternoon to full day pre-k.  It has been a lot of work, but wow has it been worth it.  I already have students who are writing sentences!  They are amazing me at every turn.  One of my favorite projects this year was making self portraits.  My students each made a self portrait and then we wrote I am _____. on them.  They loved it.  I took a long time to complete, but it was so worth it.  We first made the portraits and then one or two kids a day would write I am _____. on their portrait.  They are really spectacular.  Her are some examples.

Something else I have discovered is gonoodle.  Gonoodle is a website that you can use for brain breaks.  It works best if you have a smart board or projector of some sort.  I like that it is customizable.  For mine I added a bunch of Laurie Berkner Band clips from youtube that my kids love.  I do not have to search for the link and my kids love watching our character grow as we gain more points.  It is a must have for every primary classroom.

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